Forum francais Minecraft. Serveur de jeu FR-Minecraft et astuces pour Minecraft.

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#1 18/12/2024 20:12:00


Messages : 77

How does the rarity of a skin affect its price?

How does the rarity of a skin affect its price in CS:GO? For example, the AWP Wildfire skin - is its price constantly increasing?

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#2 18/12/2024 21:15:18


Messages : 83

Re : How does the rarity of a skin affect its price?

Skin rarity is one of the key factors that influences the value of skins in CS:GO. The rarer a skin is, the more likely it is to increase in price. AWP Wildfire is a prime example of a skin that has gained popularity due to its rarity and unique design this makes it sought after in the market and therefore valuable. If you are looking for a skin that will be valuable in the future, AWP Wildfire is a great choice. The skin market is constantly changing and new trends appear, but skins with unique characteristics, such as AWP Wildfire, always retain their value. Also worth paying attention to is the AWP Medusa skin, which is rare and sought after.

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