Forum francais Minecraft. Serveur de jeu FR-Minecraft et astuces pour Minecraft.

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#1 14/08/2023 12:23:15


Messages : 6

Purpose of Purple ring on Snapchat

Snapchat has always been surprising its users with lots of great and unique features which makes them different from other social media giants. You can also click selfies with your friends with unique filters and lenses that Snapchat offers to its users. But users of Snapchat have been asking what does a purple circle mean on Snapchat? The purple ring on Snapchat means that a Snapchat user has posted a new story for others to see. The main purpose behind the purple ring around Bitmoji is to let others know that a user has posted a new story.

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#2 28/12/2023 10:23:47


Messages : 5

Re : Purpose of Purple ring on Snapchat

Well! Snapchat is known for its dynamic and visual communication features, and these visual cues, like the purple circle, play a role in keeping users engaged and informed about their friends' activities on the platform.

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Dernière modification par watermelon (28/12/2023 10:24:02)

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