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#1 19/01/2023 04:33:43


Messages : 3

Here's how to scoring straight from a corner on FIFA 23

The app has already been downloaded over 50 million times. This means you'll never have to search for any other team that you can test the strength of your character against. Join this huge community and become entangled in the process of unlocking new heroes, building their capabilities, and sending them out into the battle.

As it often happens with any game that is newly launched gamers are constantly looking for the most effective techniques and tips to master the game as soon as possible.

The art of scoring from a corner appears to be a very challenging skill to master, but one gamer has already managed to find a way to accomplish it. Here's how to scoring straight from a corner on FIFA 23. The aiming system in the previous game is gone and is now replaced by providing a line that tracks the ball's movements across several yards.

A left-hand stick can be used to direct the ball, while the right stick is used for length. In order to score from a corner, it is ideal to play the corner as an in-swinger, with the right blend of power and accuracy. You should ensure that you have a set piece specialist at that corner.One member on Reddit has given their advice on how to master the art of scoring from a corner, they wrote: "Ideally 3.5 bars power In-swinger, aim within the 6-yard box."

Another gamer added: "The aim is surprisingly reliable, so when you have a decent angle/power which works for you it's a powerful weapon to tackle out-of-position keepers."It appears that the corner taking method is easier to master in FIFA 23 than on previous versions. This could lead to many people trying to snare their opponents by using the set piece.
If you want to learn more about FIFA 23 Coins,please vist

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#2 08/02/2023 23:09:42


Messages : 1

Re : Here's how to scoring straight from a corner on FIFA 23

Hello, mates! When choosing a company to order academic help from, you reasonably want to get as much info about it as possible. Most probably, the analysis by Reddit is exactly the article you'd like to see at the moment.

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#3 18/02/2023 19:55:47


Messages : 93

Re : Here's how to scoring straight from a corner on FIFA 23

thanks a lot

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