Le crafting dans Minecraft est un processus qui permet de créer des objets à partir d'autres élements ou objets. Sur cette page vous sont présentées les différentes "recettes" de crafting.
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Blocs naturels
Blocs naturels
Nom |
Ingrédients |
Outils |
Aperçu |
Stone |
Stone |
Granite |
Diorite |
Andesite |
Dirt |
Coarse Dirt |
Cobblestone |
Cobblestone |
Sponge |
Wet Sponge |
Sandstone |
Chiseled Sandstone |
Chiseled Sandstone |
Cut Sandstone |
Cut Sandstone |
Cut Sandstone |
Cut Sandstone |
Mossy Cobblestone |
Mossy Cobblestone |
Obsidian |
Stone Bricks |
Stone Bricks |
Mossy Stone Bricks |
Mossy Stone Bricks |
Cracked Stone Bricks |
Chiseled Stone Bricks |
Chiseled Stone Bricks |
Chiseled Stone Bricks |
Prismarine |
Prismarine Bricks |
Dark Prismarine |
Sea Lantern |
Packed Ice |
Red Sandstone |
Chiseled Red Sandstone |
Chiseled Red Sandstone |
Cut Red Sandstone |
Cut Red Sandstone |
Bone Block |
Two Turtle Eggs |
Three Turtle Eggs |
Four Turtle Eggs |
Bubble Column |
Bubble Column |
Blue Ice |
Block of Amethyst |
Dripstone Block |
Deepslate |
Deepslate |
Deepslate |
Polished Deepslate |
Polished Deepslate |
Deepslate Bricks |
Deepslate Bricks |
Deepslate Bricks |
Deepslate Tiles |
Deepslate Tiles |
Deepslate Tiles |
Deepslate Tiles |
Cracked Deepslate Bricks |
Cracked Deepslate Bricks |
Cracked Deepslate Tiles |
Cracked Deepslate Tiles |
Chiseled Deepslate |
Chiseled Deepslate |
Smooth Basalt |
Smooth Basalt |
Mud |
Produits manufacturés
Produits manufacturés
Nom |
Ingrédients |
Outils |
Aperçu |
Oak Wood |
Spruce Wood |
Birch Wood |
Jungle Wood |
Acacia Wood |
Dark Oak Wood |
Mangrove Wood |
Stripped Oak Wood |
Stripped Oak Wood |
Stripped Spruce Wood |
Stripped Spruce Wood |
Stripped Birch Wood |
Stripped Birch Wood |
Stripped Jungle Wood |
Stripped Jungle Wood |
Stripped Acacia Wood |
Stripped Acacia Wood |
Stripped Dark Oak Wood |
Stripped Dark Oak Wood |
Stripped Mangrove Wood |
Stripped Mangrove Wood |
Oak Planks |
Spruce Planks |
Birch Planks |
Jungle Planks |
Acacia Planks |
Dark Oak Planks |
Bamboo Planks |
Mangrove Planks |
Oak Stairs |
Spruce Stairs |
Birch Stairs |
Jungle Stairs |
Acacia Stairs |
Dark Oak Stairs |
Mangrove Stairs |
Bamboo Stairs |
Bamboo Mosaic Stairs |
Petrified Oak Slab |
Petrified Oak Slab |
Double Petrified Oak Slab |
Oak Slab |
Double Oak Wood Slab |
Spruce Slab |
Double Spruce Wood Slab |
Birch Slab |
Double Birch Wood Slab |
Jungle Slab |
Double Jungle Wood Slab |
Acacia Slab |
Double Acacia Wood Slab |
Dark Oak Slab |
Double Dark Oak Wood Slab |
Mangrove Slab |
Double Mangrove Slab |
Bamboo Slab |
Double Bamboo Slab |
Bamboo Mosaic Slab |
Double Bamboo Mosaic Slab |
Cobblestone Stairs |
Cobblestone Stairs |
Polished Granite |
Polished Granite |
Polished Diorite |
Polished Diorite |
Polished Andesite |
Polished Andesite |
Glass |
Double Stone Slab |
Double SandStone Slab |
Double CobbleStone Slab |
Double Bricks Slab |
Double Stone Bricks Slab |
Double Nether Bricks Slab |
Double Quartz Slab |
Smooth Stone Slab |
Smooth Stone Slab |
Sandstone Slab |
Sandstone Slab |
Sandstone Slab |
Cobblestone Slab |
Cobblestone Slab |
Brick Slab |
Brick Slab |
Stone Brick Slab |
Stone Brick Slab |
Stone Brick Slab |
Nether Brick Slab |
Nether Brick Slab |
Quartz Slab |
Quartz Slab |
Quartz Slab |
Quartz Slab |
Bricks |
Brick Stairs |
Brick Stairs |
Stone Brick Stairs |
Stone Brick Stairs |
Stone Brick Stairs |
Stone Brick Stairs |
Stone Brick Stairs |
Stone Brick Stairs |
Sandstone Stairs |
Sandstone Stairs |
Sandstone Stairs |
Sandstone Stairs |
Anvil |
Block of Quartz |
Chiseled Quartz Block |
Chiseled Quartz Block |
Quartz Pillar |
Quartz Pillar |
Quartz Stairs |
Quartz Stairs |
Quartz Stairs |
Quartz Stairs |
Slime Block |
Terracotta |
Red Sandstone Stairs |
Red Sandstone Stairs |
Red Sandstone Stairs |
Red Sandstone Stairs |
Double Red Sandstone Slab |
Red Sandstone Slab |
Red Sandstone Slab |
Red Sandstone Slab |
Dirt Path |